Reduce false alarms by adding Video Verification to your UP.

  • Connect and Control cameras directly from Monitoring Software
  • Send first responders faster and more accurately
  • Record video to back and prove your interventions
  • Use NVR to trigger local devices: sirens, lights, fog machines, open gates

Why CMS over VMS?

Instead of watching dozens of screens or to rely on fuzzy and costly analytics, go for Video Verification with UP. Video verification is a faster and more reliable way to supervise sites as it benefits from larger variety of sensors and devices.

Stop checking video cameras all the time. Verify them when alarm sensors tell you to do it. UP Video Verification saves staff, equipment and bandwidth.

It provides a much faster response time as your first response does not depend on bandwidth.

Open video streams automatically
Every alarm signal can trigger viewing of a remote camera or dvr, sometimes with automatic connection.

Reference images
CAM+ module adds reference images to the UP viewers. Easy to verify what the image should look like, or if it’s an employee in the picture, etc...

Record video feeds in UP
Operator can keep video recording for proof of intervention. Recording is tied to the alarm signal for easy search.

Control cameras remotely
UP viewers allow control over zoom, focus, iris, PTZ, 2 way voice. Even trigger of relays is available for some brands.

Grab snapshot to confirm
Operators can click at any moment to grab a picture. Picture will be tied to alarm signal as proof for subscribers.

Access camera and nvr timelines
Use the UP viewer to verify recording directly on the NVR. Jump on timeline from UP viewer.

Access video feed a few seconds earlier to counter transmission delay.

Select stream quality
Pre-select stream quality according to bandwidth and site transmission speed.


Better video analysis and AI are opening new doors for Alarm Receiving Centres no matter if you are operating a commercial central or the security department of your bank, plant or school.

By receiving an image confirmation along with the alarm signal, UP makes your response much faster than having to connect and look at a camera feed or call a site. And reduces false alarms tremendously.

New detection types!

Who knew a few years ago that you could spot elephants going through crops at night? No need to keep watching an LCD display all night long. AI Video Analysis detects the animal and reports to the UP operator.

Long-range detection are costly, especially in a yard or parking. It’s now easy with cameras. AI detect a person moving or hiding in between objects in a large yard. Cameras+AI are efficient and bring down the cost of this surveillance. ARC can now offer more to their customers often using in-place cameras.

Counting cars in a parking lot is super easy when it’s done for you. Several solutions can distinguish between multiple types of objects found in the lot. Video Analysis detections often have precise descriptions thus making the operator’s job easy.

Cars moving in a parking lot are detected. Ignore passing by cars and focus only at vehicle blocking your entrance using the loitering filters. The alarm signals received along with an image/clip is showing just that. Get notified only if a car is crossing the parking entrance by placing zones of interest in busy environments.